Renovation Cost Calculator $0.00 Area to be Renovated in Square Feet:: Wall & Ceiling Finishes: Choose...Paint (600+ sqft - up to 9ft ceilings incl. material & labor) Paint + Minor RepairsPaint + Decorative Stone (Material $10+ sqft) Flooring Options: Choose...Tiling ($2.50 sqft + material)Bamboo Floor Installation ($2.50 sqft + material)Vinyl Floor Installation ($2.25 sqft + material)Hardwood Floor Installation (Starts at $2.50 sqft + material) Fence Length in Linear Feet (Includes Material & Labor): Outside fence gate $200 (labor only): Interior Doors to Repaint (Includes Material & Labor): House Windows to Replace (Starting at $400): Ceiling Fans to Install (Labor Only): Toilets to Install (Labor Only): Faucets to Install (Labor Only): Shower Doors to Install (Starting at $950): After Renovation Cleaning (Starting at $250) $0.00Approximate Project Cost Contact Details We will contact you within one business day. SUBMIT NOW